Hong Kong has been ranked the world’s least affordable housing market for 13 consecutive years, making it challenging for young adults to move out of their homes.
To tackle this issue, the Hong Kong United Youth Association is operating a youth hostel called “BeLIVING Youth Hub” in Wanchai.  Jing Yuan Charity Foundation, will be providing Young Volunteers Training Programs for the youth tenants in the future, allowing them to enjoy lower rents than the market price.
Our goal is to connect the younger generation to our community and foster a culture of volunteering among them. Stay tuned for more updates and visit Beliving Youth Hub for more information.
Special Thanks:
Mr. Lau Ka Ki, Wallace, JP
Commissioner for Youth
 Ms Chong Yuen-wah, Lina
 Director of Jing Yuan Charity Foundation
Ms. Lam Oi Yi, Evelyn
Vice President of the Hong Kong United Youth Association